Indicators of Poverty

Concept Explanation

Indicators of Poverty

Indicators for Poverty: The most commonly used indicators for poverty analysis are social exclusion and vulnerability.

1. Social Exclusion: Social exclusion means living in a poor surrounding with poor people, excluded from enjoying social equality of better off people in better surrounding. Social exclusion can be a cause as well as a result of poverty which leads to exclusion of individuals or groups from facilities, benefits and opportunities that others enjoy.

In India, caste system is based on social exclusion. People belonging to certain caste were prevented from enjoying equal facilities, benefits and opportunities. This caused more poverty than the lower income.

2. Vulnerability: Vulnerability to poverty is a measure, which describes the greater probability of certain communities e.g. members of a backward caste or individuals e.g. widow, physically handicapped person of becoming or remaining poor in the coming time.

Vulnerability is determined by various options available to different communities in terms of assets, education, job, health, etc and analyse their ability to face various risks like natural disasters. The group which face greater risk at the time of natural calamity are called vulnerable groups.


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